Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Mud and Derbyshire

Recently I wrote about Tony Robinson and his history walk through the Derwent Valley in Derbyshire. How this area was the cradle for the Industrial revolution. I enjoyed seeing the lovely countryside and the old machinery from days gone by. As well as marvelling at the wealth created.
See here to read the full article.

So it was interesting to see the same county come up when talking about mud and how much artificial grass can help with parts of your lawn which are prone to mud and heavy wear and tear.
The new grass article is here.

Monday, 28 October 2013

What is astroturfing?

What exactly do we mean by Astroturfing? Well it isn't that simple. On one hand it could be artificial grass laid down on a sports pitch but there is actually another completely different use of the phrase. You see it is also used to describe the practice of masking the real sponsors of a message. Typically this is seen in fake reviews and the use of sock puppets ( made up on line identities).

Wikipedia traces the term back to the mid 80's:

The term "astroturfing" was first coined in 1985 by then-US Senator Lloyd Bentsen (DTexas) when he said, "a fellow from Texas can tell the difference between grass roots and AstroTurf... this is generated mail"

I guess that back then , nearly 30 years ago there was quite a debate about the merits of artificial grass and sports pitches. Any sports fan could surely have known the difference. These days we like to think the differences are not so obvious.

Finally this table demonstrates the recent growth in usage of the astroturfing term.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Artificial grass review from Colchester

With over 500,000 sq m of artificial grass being manufactured in Maryport each year it can be easy to forget the personal stories behind what the grass does and how it satisfies our needs. So its good to see cutomer reviews like this one


Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Having the right tools for the job

When you come to the planning stage for laying your artificial grass it is vital that you have the right tools for the job.
This article has a good summary of the items you need ready


Chosing the right tools

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Made in Britain

Do you remember the 1970's when the Made in Britain campaign was launched. These were the days of British Leyland, Mining, Dock workers and all the problems we faced when the electricity was in short supply.

I believe that slowly things are getting better and we do produce good quality products now...like this artificial grass made in Maryport Cumbria

Artificial grass made in britain

Friday, 30 August 2013

Artificial Grass for holiday parks

It's funny but once you become familiar with artificial grass then it starts to pop up everywhere. Holiday parks are good customers.Think of the number of the people walking around, the tendency for rain over here in the United Kingdom and how much easier the artificial grass can make maintenance and presentation.
See this blog post

Artificial grass - uses

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Why is it called artificial grass?

There are many names for artificial grass...not just the brand names but also terms like synthetic grass, artificial lawn and many other possibilities. This article looks at some options and assesses which are the most popular.

If you are planning to but and install artificial grass do not be taken in by the many different names for what is largely the same product.

Whats in a name?